

Week #9: More dots!

Figure 1 - New Overlay HUD, New Appreciatable Art, New Background Blur.
Hello gang,

I feel like I've been hit by a train. The development efforts really skyrocketed this week. I am so tired; I will keep it short. I've corrected an endless amount of bugs in the interaction system, in the pause game mechanic, in the HUD. That was the part that came naturally to me, as I am usually very proficient at fixing last-minute issues. The hard part included redesigning the Tooltiping System to allow more use cases, making it more flexible and more informative. I then connected the tool-tip system with Rafael's AI, so that the player knows he is being detected without using weird lanterns, even if the threat is not in his line of sight. Implementing an enter in closet mechanic, so the player has more places to hide, apart from usual WASD collider abusing. Applying a hug the wall mechanic, which was supposed to be a quick time event to perform last-second detection saving, but after extensive testing ended up being the traditional stuff that can be performed anywhere, a hit box with cover tag is available. I also brainstormed with Rafael, ways of improving his AI, which is right now still a work in progress. Cleaned up old code, increased performance on existing ones. Cleaning also included making ready-to-use prefabs both for decorative as well as functional purposes.

Figure 2 - New Cover Mechanic
Figure 3 - New Detection Hints

Many other things I do not remember right now. For example, a fade screen animation, to compensate for the fact that player changing clothes is just an instantaneous model switch Another blur background animation to be used along with newly created interactable classes that allow the player to appreciate art posters, read books, among others.
That's "basically" it — bye guys.

Figure 4 - More prefabs, more prefabs...

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