

Introducing... Andreia Valente!

I started to play games back when my parent bought our first computer in 1999. The first game I remember playing was Richard Carr's Treasure Island. During my early years up until highschool, I played dozens of games on all playstation editions, having special affinity to action-adventure games like Tomb Raider and the Uncharted franchise.

Richard Carr's Treasure Island (1997).

It wasn't until I played The Walking Dead (the first season) by Telltale (rest in peace) did I start to consume videogames the way I consume movies and tv shows: choosing not to spend my time just to be entertained but to spend it on narrative-based games with meaningful stories. Since then, games like Heavy Rain, LA Noire, The Last of UsMass Effect, Life is Strange, Night in the Woods, Last Day of June, Her Story, Emily is Away and Yakuza have created in me a newfound appreciation for the videogame art form as I find it now to be the superior storytelling tool.

The Walking Dead: the Tellale series (2012)

I'm not on the videogame specialization on my course but with the 2036 game I want to challenge myself to use my programming experience to create a unique setting and story. 

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