

Week #8: time for progression!

In '2036' the player is going through 3 levels of out 5 developed levels:

Level 1

Setting: in front of the Forte do Bom Sucesso, dozens of guards, CCTV and drones patrol around the building, making sure no intruder can get in the party.Since Forte do Bom Sucesso became a military base again, the surrounding of the building has been filled with military vehicles and crates.
Enemies: guards, drones, CCTV.
Objective: get through the patrolled-filled area without being detected to get to a back door or the further side of the Forte do Bom Sucesso.
Mechanics: walk, crouch, run, hide in cover.
Level failed: character 1 is detected by enemy and is arrested.
Level success: character 1 gets to the door, character 2 opens the door from the inside.

Level 2

Setting: character 2 sends character 1 to a locker room where character 2 has hidden some disguises. To get to the locker room, character 1 has to get through a barracks with some military men on fixed position inside.
Enemies: guards
Mechanics: walk, crouch, interact with object.
Objective: interacting with objects to distract the fixed guards and clear the path to the locker room.
Level failed: character 1 is detected by enemy and is arrested.
Level success: character 1 gets to the locker room and finds the locker of character 2. Inside there’s 3 outfits: guard, catering staff and formal sergeant outfit.

Level 2 (alternative)

Setting: character 1 was arrested with the usb drive needed to complete the mission. Character 2, an infiltered guard, now needs to complete the mission alone, starting by accessing the cells and taking the usb pen without raising suspicions.
Mechanics: walk, crouch, interact with object
Objective: interacting with objects to distract the fixed guards and clear the path to the locked cabinet where the usb drive is.
Level failed: character 2 is detected by enemy and is arrested (game over state)
Level success: character 2 gets the usb drive and now walks to the party where he’ll need to find a way to access the server room.

Final level

Setting: character 1 has infiltrated the party with a disguise and needs to access the server room. Beforehand, the team knew there were two key cards that could access the server room: one was with a designated IT guard that needed to give manual input as a safety measure and the second one was a backup in the Marechal’s office.
Enemies: guards
Mechanics: dialogue
Objective: through dialogue, find a way to get one key card, access the server room and insert the usb drive to get the border’s defence down. Character 2 will assist by providing information he gathers.
Level failed: character 1 raised suspicion with intrusive dialogue options, the Marechal triggered code red, locking down the server room (game over state).
Level success: character 1 gets a key card, gets to the server room with character 2’s help and shuts down the servers.

Final level (alternative)

Setting: character 1 has been arrested and character 2 needs to access the server room. Beforehand, the team knew there were two key cards that could access the server room: one was with a designated IT guard that needed to give manual input as a safety measure and the second one was a backup in the Marechal’s office.
Enemies: guards
Mechanics: dialogue
Objective:  through dialogue, find a way to get one key card, access the server room and insert the usb drive to get the border’s defence down.
Level failed: character 2 raised suspicion with intrusive dialogue options, the Marechal triggered code red, locking down the server room.
Level success: character 2 gets a key card, gets to the server room and shuts down the servers.


The focus has been writing the narrative beats: the initial narrative screen with exposition of the setting the player is put on and the final narrative screen depending on the mission success, short biography for the main characters (two rebels and the president) and dialogue for the final mission. Making environmental storytelling elements such as posters and letters is the step after. 

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