

Week #12: 👋👋

This is the end. Last week was the MOJO event, in which we showed the final version of our game to the other dev teams, play testing other games and receiving feedback and suggestions on what could be improved and what could be removed - there were things people didn't even notice.

The worst part of the MOJO event was the interview, definitely. We had to present our game and talk about it / answer the host's question on a live stream. I already don't like doing that, but the worst was finding out the trailer and gameplay video that was being shown in the background (while we talked) we're not the final versions. So:

Instead of the carefuully crafted and polished trailer, the livestream viewers saw what I can only describe as a storyboard of a video. A third of the video were black screens with a title card describing what should be shawn - "Level 2" / "Level 3 with waiter disguise". Regarding the gameplay trailer, instead of the 9 minutes target request, it was a 4 minute rough cut video, which, to make things worse, was recorded like the player was speedrunning the game.

Now to write the final report.

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